Granola is widely known and loved as a delicious, nutritious, fiber rich breakfast food, energy boosting snack and healthy dessert accessory. Based on oats, nuts and honey, variations include dried fruits, seeds and other whole grains, all gently baked together until crisp. But granola hasn't always been around. In 1894, Dr. James Caleb Jackson came up with the first 'granula' for clients of his sanitarium in Dansville, New York. Composed of graham flour, granula resembled jumbo Grape-Nuts.
Pumpkins are native to the New World and their earliest relatives can be traced back 9,000 years to Mexico. Over time, various forms of the vegetable migrated to the northeast United States, adapting to a cooler climate. Related to squashes, cucumbers and cantaloupes, pumpkins and their seeds were both a food and medicinal ingredient of Native Americans, who called them 'isquotm squash.' Typically prepared by cutting into strips and drying or roasting on coals over an open fire, this autumn squash was an important staple of winter survival.